Your kids will love the feeling they get when they can brighten someone else’s day, and they’ll want to do it more often. Below, you’ll find a list of 30 kindness activities for kids–small ways to ...
This kindness pack includes activities for KS2 and KS3 children around kindness, coping, recognising feelings, and learning new skills. Being kind not only supports others it helps us feel good too.
Stories of animals behaving "kindly" can show kids they can also ... up as a pack when the day is done. Because everyone can use a little bit of that sort of kindness.
This year, we could all use a little more kindness and Random Acts of Kindness Day is the perfect day to show your kindness to the world. Random Acts of Kindness Day will celebrated this year on ...
Encourage children, ages 5 to 11, to practise kindness and look after their wellbeing every day this spring with our new kindness calendar Spring is often ... Available for download, the calendar ...
Kids at a Gilbert Public ... Both the Principal’s Academy and Kindness Club operate on donations to cover the cost of materials for service projects and other activities.