Lennon once said that he felt the Fab Four had to fabricate themselves a bit in order to "leave Liverpool." Find out why, ...
Julian Lennon said he was never part of The Beatles’ ‘inner circle’ when sharing a rare glimpse into his distant relationship ...
The son of John Lennon was upset after late-night hosts declined to invite him onto their shows to plug his latest album.
Elton John and John Lennon shared a whirlwind friendship that included helping the former Beatle and his partner, Yoko Ono, reconcile. In his new documentary, "Elton John: Never Too Late ...
John Lennon and George Harrison, who passed away in 1980 and 2001 respectively, are not eligible due to Grammy rules requiring recordings to have been made within five years of their release.
John Lennon's (Just Like ... According to an Arborist 11 Facts About McDonald's Filet-O-Fish That Are Finally Out In The Open ...
Julian shared a photo of the pair spending some time together at the place where their father and wife Yoko Ono once called home Julian Lennon/Instagram John Lennon's sons Sean Ono Lennon and ...
It includes just over 200 songs from John Lennon, Paul McCartney ... Beatles song from A to Z has its own story and interesting facts to keep listeners entertained even when the music stops.
And then, in 1971 he interviewed Yoko Ono. The artist and wife of John Lennon was so taken with Mintz she began calling him daily. Eventually, Lennon joined in and Mintz became an inextricable ...
The opinions, facts and any media content in them are ... that allows all individuals to unite toward a single purpose. When I hear John Lennon’s Imagine, it moves me. Especially when it was ...