there were separate brands for Celeron and Pentium processors. Intel has now bundled both of them up into a brand called Intel Processor followed by a model name that often starts with N. In any case, ...
The rise of Nvidia has spurred renewed investor interest in AI chip startups. One of them, Blaize, founded by former Intel ...
The Core i5 and Core i7 are not the only processors that Intel sells. For example, the company’s Pentium and Celeron lines offer less powerful processors, while the Xeon line offers server-grade ...
Intel’s product change notification documents published on January 6 indicate an impending End of Life (EOL) for most 12th ...
It stems from the Intel 8086 (x86) architecture in the IBM PC in 1981. Following is a brief history of PC CPUs, starting with the most current. Starting in 1994, AMD introduced its first Pentium ...
"[The Pentium FDIV flaw] happened after so many ... under the slightly unwieldy moniker "second-generation Intel Core i3, i5, i7 processors" rather than invoke a name widely associated with ...