回顾2023年12月,Rockstar正式发布了《GTA 6》的首支预告片,揭开了游戏的面纱。预告片确认了很多之前的泄露信息,比如《GTA 6》将回归罪恶都市,而且这次会是一男一女双主角的设定,另外也首次公开了游戏的LOGO——由霓虹紫与粉色构成的“VI”字样,中间点缀着椰子树,充满热带风情。
A new GTA 6 logo has been discovered as players yearn for Rockstar to unveil more information about the game and a second ...
近期,知名游戏开发商Rockstar在巴西工业产权局的一系列动作引发了游戏界的广泛关注。他们不仅为备受期待的《GTA 6》注册了全新的游戏商标,还一并提交了多款单色版本的LOGO设计,此举立即在玩家群体中掀起了讨论热潮。 自《GTA ...
GTA 6 fans have lost hope for the GTA 6 trailer 2 release in 2024, but sometime or the other the trailer would definitely ...
近日,Rockstar在巴西工业产权局注册了《GTA 6》的新商标。除了游戏本身的商标外,还包括了几款单色版本的LOGO,引起了玩家们的热议和猜测。 这款游戏自从预告片发布以来就备受期待,而现在这个新的商标更是让玩家们充满了期待。虽然之前的彩色版本已经让人眼前一亮,但这次单色版本又带来了不同的解读和想象空间。
Certain video game fans waiting for GTA 6 reckon an update on the latest Grand Theft Auto release is imminent after Rockstar ...
近日,一位网友在社交平台上发布了一篇长文,分享了他对Rockstar Games即将发布的《GTA 6》第二支预告片的预测。根据该网友的观察,每次临近《GTA 6》第二支预告片发布时,Rockstar Games都会在全球范围内对其游戏logo和名称进行版权注册。这一行为在他看来并非偶然事件,在之前的《荒野大镖客:救赎2》和《GTA 5》等游戏发布前也有类似行动。
The only official content we've had from Rockstar Games itself is the first, and so far only, trailer for GTA 6 in December ...
GTA 6 trailer 2 release date has been through many theories and the most popular ones being the Moon Theory, 3rd December ...
GTA 6 devs have been posting gifts from Rockstar and players are convinced they contain a big clue about the long-awaited ...