According to Larkin there are only five key areas of the golf swing that you should focus on when starting out: your grip, stance, backswing, downswing and tempo. And in this quick video ...
For every keen golfer, finding the perfect swing is the holy grail. Golf swings come in all shapes and sizes, with players spending hours on the practice range in an attempt to find the perfect one.
I tapped GOLF Top 100 Teacher Tim Cooke to help explain. “With the help of the research from John Novosel at Tour Tempo, we know that the vast majority of pros swing at a tempo of 3:1,” Cooke ...
The exercise that Blad here is demonstrating is called 'wood chop'. It's very similar to the golf swing… The key points to make with this is bending at the knees, the hips while at the same time ...
All of those swings tend to add up to a lot of injuries. “When you swing a golf club, you’re asking your body to generate a lot of force,” said Gene Shirokobrod, a physical therapist in ...