Some GTA 6 fans remain sceptical, questioning whether the reported updates hold any real significance or if they might be ...
GTA 6 and its hype will never end, and it might continue even after we get the second trailer for the game. We have heard ...
Grand Theft Auto 6 fans come up with yet another theory for the second trailer, which they have been eagerly waiting for ...
Speculation that the GTA 6 trailer 2 will release on December 27th has escalated after a supposed response from Rockstar.
GTA 6 trailer 2 or screenshots are being expected by the fans on 27th of December 2024. Earlier there were rumors that ...
For weeks now, the community has been theorizing about the release of the second trailer for GTA 6 on December 27th. Spoiler: There is no trailer.
Rockstar Games has remained mum on Grand Theft Auto 6 after the release of the game's debut trailer, leading to a new record.
IT之家 12 月 19 日消息,备受瞩目的游戏巨作《侠盗猎车手 6》(GTA 6)自首支预告片发布以来,至今已超过一年未发布任何新预告片,打破了 Rockstar Games 旗下所有游戏预告片发布时间间隔的纪录,超越了此前的《侠盗猎车手 ...
回顾2023年12月,Rockstar正式发布了《GTA 6》的首支预告片,揭开了游戏的面纱。预告片确认了很多之前的泄露信息,比如《GTA 6》将回归罪恶都市,而且这次会是一男一女双主角的设定,另外也首次公开了游戏的LOGO——由霓虹紫与粉色构成的“VI”字样,中间点缀着椰子树,充满热带风情。
It's not impossible, but the idea that we may be getting a new GTA 6 trailer by the end of this week borders on the absurd.
IT之家 12 月 16 日消息,备受瞩目的《侠盗猎车手》(Grand Theft Auto,简称 GTA)系列新作《GTA 6》将于 2025 年发售,在经历了长达十余年的等待后,玩家们对这款游戏的期待值已达到前所未有的高度,发行商 ...
So it's not weird that GTA 6 wasn't at The Game Awards, but it is slightly weird that there's been no GTA 6 trailer at all ...