Avoiding the juggernaut of GTA 6 will likely mean other publishers launch their new games early in the year or even hold them ...
Some Grand Theft Auto fans think Rockstar Games may bring back a minor character from GTA 4 with the release of GTA 6.
Grand Theft Auto 6 fans believe they have evidence that some of the established GTA 4 characters are set to return in the ...
Rockstar Games 旗下经典作品《GTA 5》自发售以来累计销量达数千万,创造了数十亿美元的收入。 然而,自游戏发布至今,单人模式内容始终未获得重大更新,令不少玩家感到遗憾。 幸好,游戏的热情玩家社群不断推陈出新。
Grand Theft Auto 6 can learn a lot of lessons from its predecessors, and one popular element of GTA 4 could be perfect for ...
IT之家 12 月 30 日消息,长久以来,R 星系列游戏移植版本均由第三方制作组 Grove Street Games 代工,包括《GTA 罪恶都市 十周年纪念版》《GTA 圣安地列斯 十周年纪念版》《恶霸鲁尼 重制版》等。 不过 Grove ...
The stakes for GTA 6 could not be higher, given the monumental success of its predecessor. GTA V has sold a staggering 205 million copies since its 2013 launch.
This is a really fun way to incorporate cheats into a game like Grand Theft Auto IV, and unlike in real life, data rates don't even apply. And that's your lot! Have fun gaming the system and ...