Myths are old tales filled with magical creatures, gods and mystery. They are not based on facts or reality. Watch this video to understand more about what myths are all about. Myths were created ...
We may think we’re familiar with giggles and sobs, but there are lots of myths out there about laughing and crying. Researchers like Robert Provine, a neuroscientist and professor of psychology ...
These myths, of course, ignored the injustices of slavery, the era's rampant racism, and the shocking violence of the time. They also missed the significance of the era's advances in civil rights ...
To help you tell fact from fiction, here are seven of the most common breastfeeding myths: Myth #1. If babies feed a lot, that means they aren't getting enough milk. Fact: Because breast milk is ...
The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts. Today’s piece is by Sheneka Williams, Michigan State University; Darren Dubose, Michigan ...
From politicians and celebrities who claim to need less sleep than us normal folk, to assumptions that we can make up for lost sleep at weekends – many sleep myths might sound believable ...
It is thus crucial to separate the myths from the facts to gain a better understanding of prostate cancer and how to manage it effectively. Myth 1: Prostate cancer affects only older men One of the ...