A sequel to this movie released in 1985. While the sequel's working title was simply Ewoks II, it was released as Ewoks: The Battle for Endor.
Teek takes them to a house in which a old man, Noa, lives. Like Cindel he also crashed with his Star Cruiser on Endor. Together they fight Terak and Charal.
It is the following day after the battle of Endor and the ... that the Rebels are leaving the Endor system and that they will remain in custody of the Ewoks until further notice The imperial ...
Endor was going to be made up of Wookies, but, as many claim, George Lucas may have had toy sales in mind when he replaced them with Ewoks. Somehow, these Ewoks ended up with their own movie.
A sequel to this movie released in 1985. While the sequel's working title was simply Ewoks II, it was released as Ewoks: The Battle for Endor.
But I had the luck to first meet the Ewoks in the 1985 film Ewoks: The Battle for Endor. However, I had never seen Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure until recently. With the film turning 40 ...