DESTACO, providers of automation and clamping and gripping devices, introduced the new intelligent 92W Series electric power clamps. Operating completely without compressed air, the 92W power clamps ...
The support is attached directly to a steel beam via bolts that are threaded and fastened to a flat or curved top piece. U-type clamps are generally used when the conduit (pipes though which ...
Image Credit: Allied Electronics, Inc. | Fotronic Corporation / Test Equipment Depot | OMEGA Engineering, Inc. Clamp meters are ammeters that can measure current without the need to disconnect the ...
Being electric, no auxiliary hydraulics are required to operate the grapple clamp. An industrial duty 12-volt linear actuator with an 8-in. stroke operates the grapple clamp. The grapple is ...
improving their understanding of how cells process and transmit electrical signals. Depending on the controlled and measured variables, the voltage and current clamps are used to tune into the ...