[Dennis] recently invested some money in the Tormach Tooling System for his CNC’d Sieg SX3 mill in order ... he built himself a DIY touch probe to automate the process. The theory behind the ...
CNC machinery, once a piece of workshop exotica, has become such a staple of projects within our sphere as to have become relatively unremarkable. A decent 3D printer can be had without mortgaging ...
对于追求性能的我来讲,一直想装一台紧凑型的ATX机箱。不过自己并没有徒手搓一个机箱的能力,毕竟自己知道自己的动手能力。动手装机肯定没问题,但是真的全部从零开始制作设计机箱就有些困难了。在看到有手搓全铝短风道机箱的时候,我突然想到布老师之前有一款abo ...
Discover AI-driven Raspberry Pi projects in The MagPi magazine issue147. Learn to build, innovate, and transform with step-by ...
写在开头关注DIY硬件的玩家,这段时间应该都很激动。前有AMD的锐龙9000系列处理器,带来了更强的性能释放与更高的内存频率支持;接下来还有Intel的酷睿Ultra系列处理器杀到,它对内存频率的支持应该会更进一步。那DDR5内存有什么好的选择吗?还 ...
CNC tool changers allow a machine to perform more than one function without requiring an operator to change the tooling. A CNC tool changer can quickly change the end effectors without the requirement ...
QuadlockAs a smart phone mounting system, Quadlock has become quite popular over the past few years. When I ordered my Bullet ...
今天和大家聊一款配置单。这款配置单具备一 ...
Here comes a DIY smartwatch project that is unlike any other we have come across so far. It is the DRM Watch 3 made by ...
北京时间10月14日凌晨1时,苹果公司在美国加州总部举行新品发布会,正式对外发布新款 智能手机 iPhone 12系列。此次发布的iPhone 12系列是苹果首款5G智能手机,不仅对苹果这家全球市值最高的科技公司至关重要,同时受益于5G iPhone预期销量的增加,国内以领益智造等为代表的苹果A股供应链企业或将迎来新一轮业绩增长。
据彭博社报道,知情人士称,因两家公司无法就财务条款达成一致,英特尔公司与SiFive Inc的谈判破裂,后者有意寻找外部资金,并将首次公开发行 (IPO) 视为长期目标。
【本文由小黑盒作者@宅阿淇于10月18日发布,转载请标明出处!】 Hi,我是阿淇。大伙这次真是好久不见了,回想起上次发文还是在上次啊哈哈。 因为最近我碰上房东涨租被迫搬家了,导致写文只能暂且耽搁,好在顺利地找到新住所、家也顺利地搬完了。