Why so they chew cud? Cows will on average spend two thirds of their time grazing, one third chewing cud and the other third idling. Initial feeding is done in a hurry. When chewing the cud ...
I miss President Seelye's cow. Even though I never met her, I feel a special connection to the cud-chewing pacifist that I've seen in pictures circa 1875–1910. I'd like to return (maybe for a week) to ...
To evaluate sorting, use a Penn State shaker box to measure TMR particle size. Sample the feed at delivery, a few hours after feeding, and again before the next feeding. A difference of more than 10% ...
As the Farmer's Almanac states, “Cows lying down in a field more often means they're chewing their cud, rather than preparing for raindrops.” Gustaff is not amoosed. Most people think that ...