Discover which annuals, perennials, vegetables, trees, and shrubs to plant in winter. Learn how to establish seeds, bare root ...
Minter likes using an insulating cloth called N-sulate, which ameliorates the cold and stops the wind while letting plants ...
This week’s wintry weather brought snow, sleet and temperatures in the teens… some of the coldest weather that we have seen in a few years. Our winter gardens generally do not like severe cold ...
Winter pansies (Viola hiemalis), also known as ice pansies, provide beautiful color in the garden come fall and winter ... Winter pansies are hardy enough to survive colder temperatures, so ...
Due to minimal root insulation, even a potted plant unscathed by winter cold may break dormancy too early, since the roots in ...
As cold weather sets in, we often find ourselves retreating indoors where it’s warm.
It is the peak of winter season and amid the gloomy, grey days, flowers tend to bring some colour. But it can be difficult to care for winter plants, so here are some tips ...
One of the main reasons for purchasing native plants is to attract and benefit pollinators. For many people, creating an ...
As cold weather sets in, we often find ourselves retreating indoors where it is warm. However, our landscape plants can't do this, and during times of extreme cold, like this ...
Alpines such as conifers and creeping plants hail from exposed, challenging habitats, making them hardy choices for UK gardens ...
The snow has come and gone — and so has the excitement that came with such a meteorological rarity in Louisiana. Now, some ...