Though we’ve never used their cables, [Blue Jeans Cable] out of Seattle, WA sure does seem to take the black art of cable manufacture seriously. When they read the Cat 6 specification, they knew ...
The newer standard is faster, safer, and more durable, making it the better choice for network upgrades. Cat5 and Cat6 Ethernet cables are both popular options for wired networking, but there are ...
Following are the categories for telephone and Ethernet cables, which are abbreviated "Cat." For HDMI video cables, see HDMI cable types. Cat1 and Cat2 are unofficial voice grade standards, while ...
CAT8 Ethernet Cable CAT 8 is the latest in the “Category” lineup of Ethernet cables, supporting up to 40 Gbps over 30 meters, and the typical CAT 6 rate of 10 Gbps for up to 100 meters. It ...
[Teknynja] was working on a project where he needed to drive a few strips of Adafruit Neopixels – WS2812 LED strips – that were located several feet apart. These LED strips draw a lot of ...
Network connection to a remote device begins by considering the type of cable. In some cases, installed cable may already be present and available for reuse, or you may have the option to install a ...