Bullet journaling has been a growing trend for a while in planner communities online. Whether you’ve heard of it or no ...
If you're thinking about starting a bullet journal, here are a few ideas to try: Idea 1: A simple to-do list "A lot of people use [dot journaling] at a yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily level ...
You can create a digital bullet journal in Microsoft Word, ideal for those who struggle to keep a paper journal. A Word ...
Your bullet journal can truly be whatever you need it to be, with room to plan, organize, list, strategize, sketch and more ...
The trend has taken social media by storm in recent years, but what exactly is a bullet journal? Simply put ... made into a weekly planner, or even a daily planner to track your work and revision ...
"Two years ago I wouldn't have been to afford it. It was all thanks to my bullet journal," she says. She says tracking her finances using her bullet journal has contributed towards buying the house.
When it’s organized in a bullet journal, these ideas may prove even more effective — and easier to achieve. So whether it’s your Hollywood pitch or an appointment you need to remember ...