Britain’s first animated feature was a long way from Disney. It was an adaptation of George Orwell made at the height of the Cold War and part funded – in secret – by the CIA. Seventy years on, ...
Why do the UK's national newspapers' full-time cartoonists never seem to be women? Out of nearly 180 cartoons featured in last year's edition of Britain's Best Political Cartoons not one was drawn ...
NARRATOR:An incredible new invention has been introduced to Britain. NARRATOR:Making metal. BRONZE AGE FATHER:Now, this how we turn rocks into bronze. BRONZE AGE BOY:That’s magic dad.
Britain's Got Talent judges appeared to get a huge shock in the first act of tonight's semi-final when the identity of a CGI cat named Noodle was finally revealed. The voice behind the singing ...
He was the teddy bear with magic powers who was a cartoon favourite among royal princes and a generation of children - and now SuperTed is being brought back to life once again. More than 35 years ...