You are experiencing a black screen on BlueStacks which is a display-related issue. One possible cause of the display problems on a Windows computer is the corrupted or outdated graphics card driver.
近期,知名安卓手游模拟器BlueStacks(蓝叠)在其国际官方网站上宣布了一项针对苹果Apple Silicon芯片ARM架构Mac设备的新产品——BlueStacks Air。据悉 ...
Install the BlueStacks emulator to use Android apps on your PC This article describes two ways to use Android apps on a ...
近期,知名安卓手游模拟器BlueStacks(蓝叠)宣布推出专为搭载Apple Silicon芯片的ARM架构Mac设备设计的BlueStacks Air版本。这一消息对广大Mac用户来说无疑是个大好消息,尤其是热爱安卓游戏的玩家,他们终于可以在自己的设备上体验流畅的游戏操作。
IT之家12月10日消息,老牌安卓手游模拟器BlueStacks(蓝叠)又有新动作!全新推出的BlueStacks Air模拟器,专门为苹果的Apple Silicon芯片ARM Mac设备量身 ...
Editor's take: BlueStacks has faced controversy in the past over questionable practices, such as force-installing a crypto wallet application and other components no one was asking for.
BlueStacks has announced the launch of its cloud gaming service. BlueStacks X can be used to play mobile games using your browser. It is ad-supported and currently has limited titles. BlueStacks ...
Owning a Mac computer has one main downside: these devices are less competitive in terms of gaming. This is not necessarily because they can’t handle gaming, but because not as many developers ...
2024年12月10日,蓝叠(BlueStacks)正式推出了专为苹果Apple Silicon芯片(即ARM架构)用户设计的新型手游模拟器——BlueStacks ...
【CNMO科技新闻】老牌安卓模拟器BlueStacks再次引起关注!这款曾专为Windows用户设计的模拟器,终于要为Apple自研芯片Mac用户开辟新天地了。根据 ...
【CNMO科技新闻】作为老牌安卓模拟器,BlueStacks此前曾面向Windows用户以及x86的Mac用户推出适配版本。而在近期,BlueStacks也在其官网表示将在12月10日 ...
IT之家 12 月 10 日消息,老牌安卓手游模拟器 BlueStacks(蓝叠)旗下“专为苹果 Apple Silicon 芯片 ARM Mac 设备打造的版本”BlueStacks Air 现已在其海外 ...