In a groundbreaking development for the African educational landscape, Cheeba Africa Cannabis Academy has secured accreditation for Africa’s first Higher Certificate in Cannabis Production & ...
"Once a honeybee has stung something, it leaves a pheromone behind so that the target is easily located by other honeybees defending the nest," said Jenny Cullinan of the African Wild Bee ...
"Beekeepers were finding dead bees in front of their hives," a bee farmer says At least one million bees are suspected to have died of poisoning in a wine-producing area of South Africa.
A graduating class of the Ubuntu Beekeeping Initiative in South Africa, one of dozens of programs in the developing world run by JDC that empower and lift up women, their families, and communities.
For the best experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser settings. Gathering of honey from wild bee colonies. [iStockphoto] Like many parts of Northern Kenya ...
This means that Starlink can get passed the Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) requirement if they invest ... the value of the Multinational’s South African operations or may be measured against ...