Pamela Hayden, who has voiced various characters including Bart’s best friend, Milhouse Van Houten, is retiring from the animated show after 35 years, Fox confirmed Wednesday.
New York (AP) — Pamela Hayden, the longtime voice actor behind Milhouse Van Houten — Bart Simpson’s very uncool friend — is stepping away after 35 years of whining. Hayden, 70, who voiced ...
Pamela Hayden, the longtime voice actor behind Milhouse Van Houten - Bart Simpson's very uncool friend - is stepping away after 35 years of whining.
Milhouse van Houten has been a popular recurring character on the sitcom for the past 35 years, and is Bart Simpson's best friend. He is shy in nature, easily influenced by Bart's mischievous ...
Everyone needs a best friend, especially on TV, to keep the flow between the characters going. Clarke Griffin had a best friend in Bellamy Blake on The 100; Lucy Ricardo had hers in Ethel Mertz on ...
She announced her retirement four days before last night’s episode. Milhouse Van Houten and Bart Simpson. 20thCentFox/Courtesy Everett Collection Bart Simpson and Milhouse Van Houten.
NEW YORK (AP) — Pamela Hayden, the longtime voice actor behind Milhouse Van Houten — Bart Simpson's very uncool friend — is stepping away after 35 years of whining. Hayden, 70, who voiced ...
HAYDEN: (As Milhouse Van Hauten) Hi. NANCY CARTWRIGHT: (As Bart Simpson) Hi. HAYDEN: (As Milhouse Van Hauten) I have soy milk. The doctor says the real kind could kill me. DETROW: Over the show's ...