后台回复 品牌 免费获得《50本品牌营销必读书》作者 | Sunnyue     来源 | 首席品牌观察Balenciaga 25 秋季新型录发布后,兰博基尼联名、Kim 印花 T 恤等重磅单品的风头却被一双造型极为「荒诞」的赤足鞋抢去了。法国奢侈品牌巴黎世家又推出了一款新鞋取名为“balenciaga Zero shoes”; ...
Balenciaga isn't necessarily known for having the most practical footwear. From shoes inspired by socks to sneakers reminiscent of a reptile, the luxury fashion house has, in the past, often fell ...
Let’s explore whether Balenciaga's Zero shoes, despite their divisive design, align with these health principles. Traditional shoes often force feet into unnatural positions, which can weaken ...