You can find practice materials for the listening, reading, writing and speaking modules here to help you prepare for the Goethe-Zertifikat B1 exam. B1 Set of model exercises for adults B1 Set of ...
Students who score below 243 on the Reading test (scored on a 200-300 point scale) and/or below 4 on the WritePlacer (scored on a 0-8 point scale) will have a Learning Support English requirement at ...
The tests will help familiarise students with the format and requirements of the IGCSE E2L Reading and Writing/Listening and Speaking papers. Teachers will find them a valuable source of stimulating ...
在德国就读预科课程 在德国生活和工作 证明您的德语成功达到B1水平 一张官方和国际认可的证书 歌德B1证书是针对青少年和成年人的德语考试。它证明考生已能独立使用德语,并获得 “欧洲共同语言参考框架”(GER)规定的六级能力等级的的第三级语言等级 ...
The tests will help familiarise students with the format and requirements of the IGCSE E2L Reading and Writing/Listening and Speaking papers. Teachers will find them a valuable source of stimulating ...
Your answers to the relevant questions on the application form will give you an indication of whether we will require an English test from you. We encourage you to submit your test results with your ...
you will be able to take an online test that measures your ability on the four main areas of English language: reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. Please contact a member of your regional ...
Why are flights being disrupted? Learn verbs used with 'job' NEW! The London to Edinburgh Challenge Learn how to get a job in English For a better experience please ...
Vitamin B1, also known as Thiamine, is a critical nutrient vital for the health of the heart, muscles, and nervous system. This important vitamin can be found in various food sources such as ...
A BBC investigation has raised fresh doubts about the evidence used to throw thousands of people out of the UK for allegedly cheating in an English language test. Whistleblower testimony and ...