近年来,关于Switch 2的传闻层出不穷,但确切的发布日期一直是个谜。不过,就在不久前,意大利网站UAGNA分享了一则传言,称Switch 2的配件(包括第一方和第三方)预计将于3月28日上市,并据此推测该日期也可能是新游戏机的发布日。
A report claims the Nintendo Switch 2 release date is set for March 28th - here's why the actual launch might happen much ...
Rumor has it that one of the original Nintendo Switch's biggest exclusives is getting a next-gen update for the upcoming ...
Nintendo Switch 2 rumors are heating up — these are the biggest changes I want to see compared to the current Nintendo Switch ...
The latest best guess for a Switch 2’s release date is March 28. This comes courtesy of Italian website Uagna, which claimed ...
While Nintendo Switch 2 did not end up launching in 2024, rumors surrounding Nintendo's Switch successor dominated gaming ...
Nintendo Switch 2 has long been a topic of debate on social media along with several alleged leaks to reveal the ...
New leaked pictures appear to show off the Nintendo Switch 2 along with its dock, but some people are still skeptical.
In terms of value, the Switch is vastly cheaper than the PS5 at all levels, but with a new Nintendo console reveal slated for ...
To this end, if there is a Nintendo Switch game that could use a Nintendo Switch 2 upgrade, it is probably The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. And a new leak suggests Nintendo agrees and is ...
根据外媒The Verge的报道,有关下一代Nintendo Switch(或称Switch 2)的消息正在逐渐浮出水面。 最近,一位Reddit用户NextHandheld声称自己“来自未来”并且接触到了Switch ...
近日,来自外媒The Verge的报道引起了广泛关注,该媒体声称已经证实了网友“NextHandheld”所泄露的Switch 2真机信息,可信度极高。这一消息不仅为期待已久的任天堂Switch 2增添了色彩,也给了玩家们一丝关于未来主机体验的新希望 ...