BlockBeats 消息,10 月 17 日,据 Cointelegraph 报道,美国检察官正在要求承认在 2016 年从加密货币交易所 Bitfinex 盗取 120,000 枚比特币的 Ilya Lichtenstein 被判入狱五年。在 10 月 15 日的文件中,检察官向华盛顿特区联邦法院申请,要求 Lichtenstein 的刑期少于他因认罪洗钱阴谋罪而可能面临的 20 年刑期。他们 ...
Prosecutors have requested that Ilya “Dutch” Lichtenstein, who pleaded guilty last year to the 2016 hack of crypto exchange ...
US prosecutors recommend a five-year sentence for Ilya Lichtenstein, the mastermind behind the 2016 Bitfinex hack.
US prosecutors are asking for the hacker who stole 120,000 Bitcoin from Bitfinex to get five years in prison, a lighter ...
Bitfinex hacker Ilya Lichtenstein should serve five years in prison, Department of Justice attorneys wrote in a court filing.
美国检察官建议对2016年Bitfinex黑客Ilya ...
PANews 10月16日消息,据彭博社报道,美国检察官向法官向法官建议,史上最大规模的加密货币盗窃案主谋Ilya ...
US prosecutors have requested a shorter 5-year jail term for Ilya Lichtenstein, who spearheaded the $6 billion Bitfinex hack.
US prosecutors are asking for a 5 year prison sentence for Ilya Lichtenstein, involved in the $6 billion Bitfinex hack and ...
Prosecutors recommend five-year sentence for Bitfinex hacker Ilya Lichtenstein, due to extensive cooperation with authorities.
US prosecutors recommended 5 years in prison and 3 years of supervised release for Ilya Lichtenstein, mastermind of the $6b Bitfinex hack.
US prosecutors recommend a 5-year prison sentence for Ilya Lichtenstein, mastermind of the $6 billion Bitfinex hack, while his wife Heather Morgan faces 18 months for their roles in the cryptocurrency ...