“老板娘”在英语中有几种表达方式,但最常用的两个词是“landlady”和“female boss”。这两个词在具体的使用场景中略有不同。 Landlady :这个词通常用来指女性房东、旅馆老板、酒吧老板等。例如: The landlady at our family's store entrance has a full and charming figure. Female boss ...
搜狐娱乐讯 近日,曾经参加《以团之名》的宋文鑫在社交平台上晒出身份证件,其中性别一栏从male(男性)变成了female(女性)。
Tokyo police on Friday arrested a female student on suspicion of injuring eight people in an apparent hammer attack on a university campus in the suburbs of Tokyo, according to local authorities.