Doom: The Dark Ages is the next major installment of the iconic shooter franchise, bringing players to the Doom Slayer's ...
在即将到来的5月15日,游戏界将迎来一场期待已久的盛宴——备受瞩目的《DOOM: The Dark Ages》将正式发布。这款由Bethesda Softworks与id Software联手打造的新作,作为《DOOM》 (2016)与《DOOM ...
知名动作射击游戏《毁灭战士:黑暗时代》发布了新的实机演示,游戏将于5月15日正式上市。Steam商店页面已经上线,国区预购价格为349元(普通版)和499元(至尊版),购买至尊版的玩家可享受提前两天游玩的特权。id Software官方也公布了游戏所需的PC配置要求:最低配置需AMD Ryzen 7 3700X/Intel Core i7 10700K处理器、NVIDIA RTX 2060 ...
Yesterday on Twitter, Nvidia employee Jacob Freeman shared the PC requirements for the upcoming Doom: The Dark Ages, ...
If you want to run this pulpy shooter on minimum settings, you need a ray-tracing-capable graphics card at the very minimum.
The Dark Ages is slowing things down compared to the twitchy gameplay of Eternal, meaning one area of gameplay needs to shine ...
Rise of Hydra will likely be two very different games, but Doom could set the stage for one Marvel 1943 mechanic.
DOOM: The Dark Ages will launch on May 15 with detailed PC requirements. Following yesterday's reveal that DOOM: The Dark ...
《毁灭战士》是有史以来最成功、最具影响力的视频游戏之一,约翰-卡马克(John Carmack)是这一开创性项目的首席程序员。 为了让《毁灭战士》成为现实,卡马克不遗余力,在艰苦卓绝的马拉松式编程过程中最终完成了它影响接下来多个世代的代码。
凌晨,《毁灭战士:黑暗时代》在XBOX Developer Direct上发布了新内容预告。id software团队在接受采访时表示,他们自重启系列时就考虑将背景设定转向中世纪,以创造一个丰富有趣的世界和英雄历史,为后续作品提供探索空间。游戏提供了自定义难度滑动条,让玩家调整速度、伤害等参数,满足不同水平玩家的需求,并提升了对障碍玩家的可玩性。
The exclusive first look at Fantastic Four #29 ties into "One World Under Doom" and features a guest appearance by She-Hulk.