The directive, sent to all law enforcement in the state, stems from a 2023 lawsuit brought by the ACLU of Delaware.
Sources have told the Delaware County Daily Times that Vice President Kamala Harris will be recording the CNN town hall ...
The National Park Service will fund stream flow measurements at Barryville, and Japanese mystery snails have been found in ...
Advocates say Sussex County’s law amounts to a “total ban” on retail stores. Many towns enacted outright bans. Wilmington is ...
Delaware Attorney General Kathy Jennings has announced that Delaware will no longer be prosecuting or enforcing two statutes ...
Vice President and Democratic nominee Kamala Harris will be at a town hall tonight in Delaware County that will be broadcast ...
Contractual expenses are expected to decrease in 2025 to about $3 million, according to county budget figures provided to ...
Commission members are already saying they may need more time. The earliest the recommendations could be included in the ...
2024年1-9月,卡塔尔乘用车市场的销量为48032辆,同比增长9.8%。丰田是市场的主导性力量,占据34.5%的市场份额。中国品牌中,MG品牌的销量为1965辆,占据4.1%的市场,是最畅销的中国品牌。主流及中国品牌的销量排行榜如下: ...
in a written statement to Delaware Online/The News Journal. "They are also taking steps to manage supplies accordingly to minimize any disruption to patient care. We will continue to coordinate ...
天边的北斗,与我们有多近最快的驾车路线精确的公交车到站时间距离最近的共享单车预知红绿灯倒数的读秒这些生活场景的背后都有北斗精准定位与导航的加持其实,北斗就像空气看不到、离不开,却无处不在10月24日-25日第三届北斗规模应用国际峰会在湖南株洲举行现场集中展示北斗全域全场景应用示范看北斗如何从“天边”走向“ ... – 墨西哥股市在星期二走低,其中工业、消费品和服务和消费品行业等下跌的板块带领股指走低。 墨西哥收盘时,墨西哥S&P/BMV IPC指数跌0.84%。 墨西哥S&P/BMV ...